About Us

ABC Djeca is an app for learning the Bosnian language.

The app is intended for children aged 1 to 10 years and offers a wide range of subjects for interactive learning.

- ABC TV - Original music and books -
- Interactive games -
- All words are in Bosnian and English -
- All apps have audio and images -
- No ads -
- The app does not use the internet -
- Frequent updates with new content -
- Latin and Cyrillic -

Content: Books, songs, cartoons, dictionary, alphabet, math, numbers, letters, animals, memory, puzzles, colors, days, Cyrillic, and much more Everything is in Bosnian and English with audio and video images.

The mother tongue is one of the most important categories for the people who speak it. The significance of the mother tongue is multifaceted; from identity foundations, through communication, educational and upbringing to psychological, emotional, and patriotic factors. This is especially true for the diaspora, which exists in foreign language environments. The loss of the mother tongue is the first cause of negative assimilation of the diaspora in new environments. Everyone who wants to avoid or mitigate this assimilation should actively and purposefully work on learning and preserving the mother tongue in young children. The authors of this app have made an effort to design a model for learning the Bosnian language for the youngest through fun, educational, and other methods suitable for the youngest children. ABC Djeca is a model where, by purchasing the app at the most affordable price, you can strengthen the sense of belonging of the youngest and preserve our roots (identity).

With the help of the app, strengthen the sense of belonging and preserve our roots and identity in the youngest!

iOS App Android App
App Content

Videos, Books, Games

We learn our language and discover our culture through interactive video lessons, books, and video games!
Interactive Fun

For Children of All Levels

Interactive learning of the Bosnian language through play.


Learning Bosnian through interactive games. Fun that offers knowledge and information about the homeland with its multimedia concept. Play and imagination can do wonders. And this time, they teach us the Bosnian language!


In addition to learning the language, your child will master logic and math. This app is designed to be simple to use and effective.

Books and Songs

Rich stories about Bosnian culture, history, and geography will entertain every child. Our new video streaming feature introduces a completely new way of learning.

Video Content

Educational video content covering many interesting topics!

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ABC Djeca

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